Class: EngineManager
Singleton managing the main loop engine.
- new EngineManager(): EngineManager
- loadPack2D(path: string): Promise
Load a 2D pack file.
- path: The archive file path.
- loadPack3D(path: string): Promise
Load a 3D pack file.
- path: The archive file path.
- run(timeStamp: number): void
The main loop.
- setFrameRateFixed(fixed: boolean): void
Set frame rate fixed flag.
- setFrameRateValue(value: number): void
The the frame rate value.
- startup(enableScanlines: boolean, showDebug: boolean): void
Start the engine with optional parameters and run the main loop.
- enableScanlines: Determines whether scanlines should be enabled or not.
- showDebug: Determines whether to display debug information.