Download the exporter here:
Install it on Blender by going to Edit -> Preferences -> Add-ons -> Install... -> Select the zip.
Push "n", and click on WarmeY2K Exporter to see the exportation panel.
Please, before export check if:
Click on the mesh and select Export JSM.
Your jsm file is now in your output path.
In WarmeY2K, each format is dedicated to one and unique thing.
Format | Description | Encoding | Exporter |
------ | ------------------------------ | -------- | ------------- |
PAK | 2D/3D Resources Archive | ZIP | Blender Addon |
JAM | 3D Animated Mesh | JSON | Blender Addon |
BAM | 3D Animated Mesh | BINARY | Blender Addon |
JSM | 3D Static Mesh | JSON | Blender Addon |
BSM | 3D Static Mesh | BINARY | Blender Addon |
MAT | 3D Mesh Material | JSON | Blender Addon |
JLM | 2D/3D Lines | JSON | Blender Addon |
BLM | 2D/3D Lines | BINARY | Blender Addon |
JLT | 3D Light | JSON | Blender Addon |
JSV | 3D Shadow Volume | JSON | Blender Addon |
BSV | 3D Shadow Volume | BINARY | Blender Addon |
JWM | 3D Walkmesh | JSON | Blender Addon |
BWM | 3D Walkmesh | BINARY | Blender Addon |
JNM | 3D Hitmesh | JSON | Blender Addon |
BNM | 3D Hitmesh | BINARY | Blender Addon |
TEX | 3D Texture Descriptor | JSON | Blender Addon |
GRF | 2D/3D Path Graph | JSON | Blender Addon |
GRD | 2D/3D Path Grid | JSON | No |
JAS | 2D/3D Animated Sprite | JSON | AseSprite |
JSS | 2D/3D Static Sprite | JSON | No |
JTM | 2D Tile Map | JSON | TileKit |
JSC | Script Machine File | JSON | No |
ANY | Common Custom Data | JSON | Blender Addon |
------ | ------------------------------ | -------- | ------------- |
------ | ------------------------------ | -------- | ------------- |
Asesprite | 2D/3D Animated Sprite | JSON | AseSprite |
Tilekit | 2D Tile Map | JSON | TileKit |
OBJ Wavefront | 3D Static Mesh | TEXT | Blender |
MTL Wavefront | 3D Mesh Material | TEXT | Blender |
The generic format ANY is not a real format, it is more a format naming convention you must used for your custom data stuff. Our Blender add-on use this generic format to export common 3D properties and custom data but you have the responsability to parse the file and build your stuff in your code ! This way is very useful for managing entities and you can do same for 2D of course.