Fragment variables

FragUVAttrvec2The pixel uv position
PARAMSUniformParamsGlobal parameters
SIZEUniformvec2The resolution screen size
SOURCE_TEXTUREUniformTextureThe colored source texture (with lit)
NORMALS_TEXTUREUniformTextureThe normals source texture
IDS_TEXTUREUniformTextureThe indexes source texture
DEPTH_TEXTUREUniformTextureThe depth source texture
SHADOW_FACTOR_TEXTUREUniformTextureThe shadow-volume texture
SHADOW_DEPTH_CCW_TEXTUREUniformTextureThe shadow-volume ccw depth texture
SHADOW_DEPTH_CW_TEXTUREUniformTextureThe shadow-volume cw depth texture
outputColorvarvec4The fragment shader output color
normalvarvec3The pixel normal
idvarvec4The pixel id
depthvarfloatThe pixel depth
shadowFactorvarvec4The pixel shadow-volume factor
shadowDepthCWvarfloatThe pixel shadow-volume cw depth
shadowDepthCCWvarfloatThe pixel shadow-volume ccw depth
flagsvarintThe pixel filter flags
pixelCoordvarvec2The pixel coord after pixelation


You can make your own ppe shader by append code to the existing one.
See PPE_VERT_EXT and PPE_FRAG_EXT variables in vite.config.ts.

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