* Class: CoreManager

The `CoreManager` class is a singleton responsible for managing the size and resolution of the top-level
HTMLElement container.
** Constructors
- ''new CoreManager''(): CoreManager~
The constructor.~
** Methods
- ''addClass''(className: string): void~
-- ''className''~
- ''getResolution''(): vec2~
The "getResolution" function returns the size resolution of the game.~
- ''getSize''(): vec2~
The "getSize" function returns the client-width and client-height of the container element.~
- ''removeClass''(className: string): void~
-- ''className''~
- ''setSize''(resWidth: number, resHeight: number, sizeMode: SizeMode): void~
The "setSize" function adjusts the size of a container element based on the specified width and
height, and applies different scaling and positioning transformations based on the specified size
It emit a 'E_RESIZE' event.~
-- ''resWidth'': The width of the container in pixels.~
-- ''resHeight'': The height of the container in pixels.~
-- ''sizeMode'': SizeMode is an optional parameter that determines how the container fit the browser window~
- ''toggleClass''(className: string): void~
-- ''className''~

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