* Why mesh have multiple identifiers ? [#xfcc3915]
Each 3D drawable has an "id" property composed of 4 number values for 4 channels.~
Each 3D drawable has an "id" property composed of 4 number values, one value by channel.~
The first channel (r) is for mesh identification.~
The second channel (g) is for decals group.~
The three channel (b) is for lights group.~
The last channel is a bit-mask value for post-process effects.~

| Usage        | r  | g  | b  | a  |
| ------------ | -- | -- | -- | -- |
| Identifier   | n  |    |    |    |
| Decals group |    | n  |    |    |
| Light group  |    |    | n  |    |
| Pixelation   |    |    |    | 1  |
| Color limit  |    |    |    | 2  |
| Dithering    |    |    |    | 4  |
| Outline      |    |    |    | 8  |
| Shadow vol   |    |    |    | 16 |

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