* Class: Gfx2Manager

The `Gfx2Manager` class is a singleton responsible for managing 2D canvas for drawing and provides
functions for camera manipulation and coordinate conversions.
** Constructors
- ''new Gfx2Manager''(): Gfx2Manager~
The constructor.~
** Methods
- ''beginDrawing''(): void~
The "beginDrawing" function prepares the canvas for drawing by restoring the context, clearing the
canvas, setting the background color, and applying camera transformations.
Warning: You need to call this method before any draw calls.~
- ''endDrawing''(): void~
The "endDrawing" function restores the previous state of the canvas context.~
- ''findCanvasPosFromClientPos''(clientX: number, clientY: number): vec2~
The "findCanvasPosFromClientPos" function calculates the canvas position from the client's viewport position~
-- ''clientX'': The `clientX` parameter represents the horizontal coordinate (in pixels) of
the mouse pointer relative to the client area of the browser window.~
-- ''clientY'': The `clientY` parameter represents the vertical coordinate (in pixels) of
the mouse pointer relative to the client area of the browser window.~
- ''findWorldPosFromClientPos''(clientX: number, clientY: number): vec2~
The "findWorldPosFromClientPos" function calculates the world position from the client's viewport position by
taking care of the canvas dimensions and camera position.~
-- ''clientX'': The clientX parameter represents the x-coordinate of the mouse or touch
event relative to the client area of the browser window.~
-- ''clientY'': The `clientY` parameter represents the vertical coordinate (in pixels) of
the mouse pointer relative to the client area of the browser window.~
- ''getBgColor''(): vec4~
The "getBgColor" function returns the background color.~
- ''getCameraPosition''(): vec2~
The "getCameraPosition" function returns the camera position.~
- ''getCameraPositionX''(): number~
The "getCameraPositionX" function returns the X coordinate of the camera position.~
- ''getCameraPositionY''(): number~
The "getCameraPositionY" function returns the Y coordinate of the camera position.~
- ''getCameraRotation''(): number~
The "getCameraRotation" function returns the camera rotation angle in radians.~
- ''getCameraScale''(): vec2~
The "getCameraScale" function returns the camera scale.~
- ''getCameraScaleX''(): number~
The "getCameraScaleX" function returns the camera scale factor on x-axis.~
- ''getCameraScaleY''(): number~
The "getCameraScaleY" function returns the camera scale factor on y-axis.~
- ''getCameraTransform''(): mat3~
The "getCameraTransform" function returns the transformation matrix apply to the camera.~
- ''getClientHeight''(): number~
The "getClientHeight" function returns the client height of the canvas.~
- ''getClientWidth''(): number~
The "getClientWidth" function returns the client width of the canvas.~
- ''getContext''(): CanvasRenderingContext2D~
The "getContext" function returns the 2D rendering context of the canvas element.~
- ''getDefaultTexture''(): HTMLImageElement~
The "getDefaultTexture" function returns a default HTMLImageElement.~
- ''getHeight''(): number~
The "getHeight" function returns the height of the canvas.~
- ''getWidth''(): number~
The "getWidth" function returns the width of the canvas.~
- ''hasFilter''(): boolean~
The "hasFilter" function checks if the canvas element has an active filter.~
- ''moveCamera''(x: number, y: number): void~
The "moveCamera" function move the camera.~
-- ''x'': The move in x-axis direction.~
-- ''y'': The move in y-axis direction.~
- ''setBgColor''(r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number): void~
The "setBgColor" function sets the background color using the provided RGBA values (0 - 255).~
-- ''r'': The parameter "r" represents the red component.~
-- ''g'': The parameter "g" represents the green component.~
-- ''b'': The parameter "b" represents the blue component.~
-- ''a'': The parameter "a" represents the alpha value.~
- ''setCameraPosition''(x: number, y: number): void~
The "setCameraPosition" function sets the camera position.~
-- ''x'': The x-coordinate.~
-- ''y'': The y-coordinate.~
- ''setCameraRotation''(cameraRotation: number): void~
The "setCameraRotation" function sets the rotation of the camera.~
-- ''cameraRotation'': The `cameraRotation` parameter is the camera rotation angle in radians.~
- ''setCameraScale''(x: number, y: number): void~
The "setCameraScale" function sets the camera scale.~
-- ''x'': The `x` parameter represents the scale factor for the camera in the x-axis.~
-- ''y'': The `y` parameter represents the scale factor for the camera in the y-axis.~
- ''setCameraTransform''(cameraTransform: mat3): void~
The "setCameraTransform" function add transformation matrix to the camera (before position/rotation/scale).~
-- ''cameraTransform'': The `cameraTransform` parameter is a 3x3 matrix (mat3) that represents
the transformation applied to the camera.~
- ''setFilter''(filter: string): void~
The "setFilter" function sets the filter property of a canvas element to the specified filter value.~
-- ''filter'': The filter parameter is a string that represents the CSS filter property.
It can be used to apply various visual effects to an element, such as blur, brightness, contrast,
grayscale, etc.~
- ''update''(ts: number): void~
The "update" function is called during the update phase.~
-- ''ts'': The `ts` parameter stands for "timestep".~

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