* Class: Gfx2SpriteJSS

The `Gfx2SpriteJSS` is a subclass of `Gfx2Drawable` that represents a static sprite (without animations).
- inherit from: Gfx2Drawable~
** Constructors
- ''new Gfx2SpriteJSS''(): Gfx2SpriteJSS~
The constructor.~
** Methods
- ''draw''(): void~
The "draw" function is responsible for rendering a visual representation on a 2DCanvas.~
- ''getFlip''()~
The "getFlip" function returns two booleans, first is the x-axis flip flag, second is the y-axis flip flag.~
- ''getOffset''(): vec2~
The "getOffset" function returns the origin offset.~
- ''getOffsetX''(): number~
The "getOffsetX" function returns the offset in x-axis direction.~
- ''getOffsetY''(): number~
The "getOffsetY" function returns the offset in y-axis direction.~
- ''getOpacity''(): number~
The "getOpacity" function returns the opacity value.~
- ''getPosition''(): vec2~
The "getPosition" function returns the position.~
- ''getPositionX''(): number~
The "getPositionX" function returns the x-coordinate of the position.~
- ''getPositionY''(): number~
The "getPositionY" function returns the y-coordinate of the position.~
- ''getRotation''(): number~
The "getRotation" function returns the rotation.~
- ''getScale''(): vec2~
The "getScale" function returns the scale as a 2D vector.~
- ''getScaleX''(): number~
The "getScaleX" function returns the scale factor on x-axis.~
- ''getScaleY''(): number~
The "getScaleY" function returns the scale factor on y-axis.~
- ''getTexture''()~
The "getTexture" function returns the sprite texture.~
- ''getTextureRect''(): vec4~
The "getTextureRect" function returns the texture rectangle.~
- ''isVisible''(): boolean~
The "isVisible" function returns a boolean value indicating whether an element is visible or not.~
- ''loadFromFile''(path: string): Promise~
The "loadFromFile" function asynchronously loads sprite data from a json file (jss).~
-- ''path'': The `path` parameter is the file path.~
- ''paint''(): void~
The "paint" function is rendering the sprite.~
- ''rotate''(a: number): void~
The "rotate" function add rotation value to current angle.~
-- ''a'': The rotation angle to add in radians.~
- ''setFlipX''(x: boolean): void~
The "setFlipX" function sets the value of the flipX property to the provided boolean value.~
-- ''x'': The x-axis flip flag.~
- ''setFlipY''(y: boolean): void~
The "setFlipY" function sets the value of the flipY property to the provided boolean value.~
-- ''y'': The y-axis flip flag.~
- ''setOffset''(x: number, y: number): void~
The "setOffset" function set the origin offset value.~
-- ''x'': The x-offset.~
-- ''y'': The y-offset.~
- ''setOffsetNormalized''(offsetXFactor: number, offsetYFactor: number): void~
The "setOffsetNormalized" function sets the normalized origin offset value.~
-- ''offsetXFactor'': The offsetXFactor represent the normalized x-coordinate offset value.~
-- ''offsetYFactor'': The offsetYFactor represent the normalized y-coordinate offset value.~
- ''setOpacity''(opacity: number): void~
The "opacity" function sets the opacity of an element.~
-- ''opacity'': The `opacity` value ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 represents completely transparent and 1
represents completely opaque.~
- ''setPosition''(x: number, y: number): void~
The "setPosition" function set the position with the given x and y coordinates.~
-- ''x'': The X coordinate of the position.~
-- ''y'': The Y coordinate of the position.~
- ''setRotation''(rotation: number): void~
The "setRotation" function sets the rotation angle (in radians).~
-- ''rotation'': The `rotation` parameter is the rotation angle in radians.~
- ''setScale''(x: number, y: number): void~
The "setScale" function sets the scale with the given x and y factors.~
-- ''x'': The x factor in the x-axis direction.~
-- ''y'': The y factor in the y-axis direction.~
- ''setTexture''(texture): void~
The "setTexture" function sets the sprite texture.~
-- ''texture'': The sprite texture.~
- ''setTextureRect''(left: number, top: number, width: number, height: number): void~
The "setTextureRect" function sets the texture rectangle with the given left, top, width, and height values.~
-- ''left'': The x-coordinate of the top-left texture rectangle corner.~
-- ''top'': The y-coordinate of the top-left texture rectangle corner.~
-- ''width'': The width of the texture rectangle.~
-- ''height'': The height of the texture rectangle.~
- ''setVisible''(visible: boolean): void~
The "setVisible" function set the visibility.~
-- ''visible'': The "visible" parameter is a boolean value that determines whether an
element should be visible or not.~
- ''translate''(x: number, y: number): void~
The "translate" function translate the position.~
-- ''x'': The amount of translation in the x-axis direction.~
-- ''y'': The amount of translation in the y-axis direction.~
- ''update''(ts: number): void~
The "update" is a virtual method used for the update phase.~
-- ''ts'': The `ts` parameter stands for "timestep".~
- ''zoom''(x: number, y: number): void~
The "zoom" function add scale values.~
-- ''x'': The x factor in the x-axis direction.~
-- ''y'': The y factor in the y-axis direction.~

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