* Class: Gfx3BoundingBox

The `Gfx3BoundingBox` class represents a 3D bounding box and provides various methods for manipulating
and calculating properties of the box.
** Constructors
- ''new Gfx3BoundingBox''(min: vec3, max: vec3): Gfx3BoundingBox~
The constructor.~
-- ''min'': The minimum point of the bounding box.~
-- ''max'': The maximum point of the bounding box.~
** Methods
- ''fromVertices''(vertices, vertexStride: number): void~
The "fromVertices" function takes an array of vertices and calculates the new minimum and maximum values.~
-- ''vertices'': The `vertices` parameter is an array of numbers representing the coordinates of
the points of a shape. Each triplets of numbers represents the x, y and z coordinates of a point.~
-- ''vertexStride''~
- ''getCenter''(): vec3~
The "getCenter" function calculates the center point of the box.~
- ''getPerimeter''(): number~
The "getPerimeter" function calculates and returns the perimeter of the box.~
- ''getRadius''(): number~
The "getRadius" function calculates the radius of a circumscribed circle to the box.~
- ''getSize''(): vec3~
The "getSize" function calculates and returns the width, height and depth of the box.~
- ''getVolume''(): number~
The "getVolume" function calculates the volume of a the box.~
- ''intersectBoundingBox''(aabb: Gfx3BoundingBox): boolean~
The "intersectBoundingBox" function checks if two bounding boxes intersect.~
-- ''aabb'': The parameter "aabb" is the box to check for intersection.~
- ''isPointInside''(x: number, y: number, z: number): boolean~
The "isPointInside" function checks if a given point is inside the box.~
-- ''x'': The x-coordinate of the point.~
-- ''y'': The y-coordinate of the point.~
-- ''z'': The z-coordinate of the point.~
- ''merge''(aabb: Gfx3BoundingBox): Gfx3BoundingBox~
The "merge" function takes a `Gfx3BoundingBox` object as input and returns a new `Gfx3BoundingBox`
that represents the union of the two boxes.~
-- ''aabb'': The `aabb` parameter is the box to merge.~
- ''reset''(): void~
The "reset" function sets the "min" and "max" values to [0, 0, 0].~
- ''setMax''(max: vec3): void~
The "setMax" function sets the maximum value.~
-- ''max'': The `max`point of the box.~
- ''setMin''(min: vec3): void~
The "setMin" function sets the minimum value.~
-- ''min'': The `min` point of the box.~
- ''transform''(matrix: mat4): Gfx3BoundingBox~
The "transform" function takes a matrix and transforms the bounding box
points, returning a new transformed bounding box.~
-- ''matrix'': The `matrix` parameter is a 4x4 transformation matrix. It is used to
transform the points of a bounding box.~
- ''createFromCenter''(x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number, h: number, d: number): Gfx3BoundingBox~
The "createFromCenter" is a static method that creates a new instance of "Gfx3BoundingBox".~
-- ''x'': The x-coordinate of the center of the bounding box.~
-- ''y'': The y-coordinate of the center of the bounding box.~
-- ''z'': The z-coordinate of the center of the bounding box.~
-- ''w'': The width of the bounding box.~
-- ''h'': The height of the bounding box.~
-- ''d'': The depth of the bounding box.~
- ''createFromCoord''(x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number, h: number, d: number): Gfx3BoundingBox~
The "createFromCoord" is a static method that creates a new instance of "Gfx3BoundingBox".~
-- ''x'': The x-coordinate of the bottom-left-front corner of the bounding box.~
-- ''y'': The y-coordinate of the bottom-left-front corner of the bounding box.~
-- ''z'': The z-coordinate of the bottom-left-front corner of the bounding box.~
-- ''w'': The width of the bounding box.~
-- ''h'': The height of the bounding box.~
-- ''d'': The depth of the bounding box.~
- ''merge''(aabbs: Gfx3BoundingBox[]): Gfx3BoundingBox~
The "merge" function takes an array of `Gfx3BoundingBox` objects as input and returns a new `Gfx3BoundingBox`
that represents the union of boxes.~
-- ''aabbs'': The `aabbs` parameter is an array of box to merge.~

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