* Class: Gfx3JWM

The `Gfx3JWM` is a class that represents a walkmesh and provides methods for loading
data, updating and drawing, adding and moving walkers, and clearing walkers.
In collision case, the collision response sliding along the edges of the walkmesh to keep a good
feeling for the player.
- inherit from: Gfx3Transformable~
** Constructors
- ''new Gfx3JWM''(): Gfx3JWM~
The constructor.~
** Methods
- ''addWalker''(id: string, x: number, z: number, radius: number): Walker~
The "addWalker" function adds a new walker identified by a unique identifier of your choice.
A walker is the representation of a moving entity inside a walkmesh context. It is a square
of `radius` size moving along the floor.~
-- ''id'': A unique identifier for the walker.~
-- ''x'': The x-coordinate of the walker's starting position.~
-- ''z'': The z-coordinate of the walker's starting position.~
-- ''radius'': The radius parameter represents the size of the walker.~
- ''clearWalkers''(): void~
The "clearWalkers" function remove all walker instances.~
- ''draw''(): void~
The "draw" function.~
- ''getLocalAxies''()~
The "getLocalAxies" function returns an array of three vectors representing the local axes of an
object based on its transformation matrix.~
- ''getPosition''(): vec3~
The "getPosition" function returns the position.~
- ''getPositionX''(): number~
The "getPositionX" function returns the x-coordinate of the position.~
- ''getPositionY''(): number~
The "getPositionY" function returns the y-coordinate of the position.~
- ''getPositionZ''(): number~
The "getPositionZ" function returns the z-coordinate of the position.~
- ''getRotation''(): vec3~
The "getRotation" function returns the rotation as Euler angles.~
- ''getRotationQuaternion''(): vec4~
The "getRotationQuaternion" function returns the Quaternion based on the Euler angles provided.~
- ''getRotationX''(): number~
The "getRotationX" function returns the rotation angle on x-axis.~
- ''getRotationY''(): number~
The "getRotationY" function returns the rotation angle on y-axis.~
- ''getRotationZ''(): number~
The "getRotationZ" function returns the rotation angle on z-axis.~
- ''getScale''(): vec3~
The "getScale" function returns the scale as a 3D vector.~
- ''getScaleX''(): number~
The "getScaleX" function returns the scale factor on x-axis.~
- ''getScaleY''(): number~
The "getScaleY" function returns the scale factor on y-axis.~
- ''getScaleZ''(): number~
The "getScaleZ" function returns the scale factor on z-axis.~
- ''getTransformMatrix''(): mat4~
The "getTransformMatrix" function returns the transform matrix from position, rotation and scale values.~
- ''loadFromFile''(path: string): Promise~
The "loadFromFile" function asynchronously loads walkmesh data from a json file (jwm).~
-- ''path'': The `path` parameter is the file path.~
- ''moveWalker''(id: string, mx: number, mz: number): vec3~
The "moveWalker" function move the specified walker based on the provided movement values.~
-- ''id'': The `id` parameter is a string that represents the unique identifier of the
-- ''mx'': The parameter `mx` represents the movement in the x-axis (horizontal movement)
for the walker.~
-- ''mz'': The parameter `mz` represents the movement in the z-axis (vertical movement)
for the walker.~
- ''rotate''(x: number, y: number, z: number): void~
The "rotate" function add rotation values to Euler angles.~
-- ''x'': The rotation angle on x-axis in radians.~
-- ''y'': The rotation angle on y-axis in radians.~
-- ''z'': The rotation angle on z-axis in radians.~
- ''setPosition''(x: number, y: number, z: number): void~
The "setPosition" function set the position with the given x, y and z coordinates.~
-- ''x'': The X coordinate of the position.~
-- ''y'': The Y coordinate of the position.~
-- ''z'': The Z coordinate of the position.~
- ''setRotation''(x: number, y: number, z: number): void~
The "setRotation" function sets rotation Euler angles (in radians).~
-- ''x'': The rotation angle on x-axis in radians.~
-- ''y'': The rotation angle on y-axis in radians.~
-- ''z'': The rotation angle on z-axis in radians.~
- ''setRotationQuaternion''(quaternion: vec4): void~
The "setRotationQuaternion" function sets the rotation using Quaternion.~
-- ''quaternion'': The quaternion.~
- ''setScale''(x: number, y: number, z: number): void~
The "setScale" function sets the scale with the given x, y and z factors.~
-- ''x'': The x factor in the x-axis direction.~
-- ''y'': The y factor in the y-axis direction.~
-- ''z'': The z factor in the z-axis direction.~
- ''translate''(x: number, y: number, z: number): void~
The "translate" function translate the position.~
-- ''x'': The amount of translation in the x-axis direction.~
-- ''y'': The amount of translation in the y-axis direction.~
-- ''z'': The amount of translation in the z-axis direction.~
- ''update''(): void~
The "update" function.~
- ''zoom''(x: number, y: number, z: number): void~
The "zoom" function add scale values.~
-- ''x'': The x factor in the x-axis direction.~
-- ''y'': The y factor in the y-axis direction.~
-- ''z'': The z factor in the z-axis direction.~

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