* Class: Gfx3MeshShadowRenderer

** Constructors
- ''new Gfx3MeshShadowRenderer''(): Gfx3MeshShadowRenderer~
** Methods
- ''beginPassRender''(): void~
The "beginPassRender" function.
Initialize the pass.~
- ''drawMesh''(mesh: Gfx3Mesh, matrix): void~
The "drawMesh" function draw a mesh.~
-- ''mesh'': The mesh.~
-- ''matrix'': The `matrix` parameter is an optional parameter that represents
a transformation 4x4 matrix.~
- ''endPassRender''(): void~
The "endPassRender" function.
Close the pass.~
- ''getDepthTexture''(): Gfx3Texture~
The "getDepthTexture" function returns the depth texture.~
- ''getLVPMatrix''(): Float32Array~
The "getLVPMatrix" function returns the light view projection matrix (LVP).~
- ''render''(): void~
The "render" function.~
- ''setDepthTextureSize''(depthTextureSize: number): void~
The "setDepthTextureSize" function sets the size of a the shadow map depth texture.~
-- ''depthTextureSize'': The `depthTextureSize` parameter represents the size of the depth texture.~
- ''setShadowProjection''(position: vec3, target: vec3, size: number, depth: number): void~
The "setShadowProjection" function sets up a shadow projection matrix based on the given position, target, size, and
-- ''position'': The `position` parameter representing the position of the light source in the scene.~
-- ''target'': The `target` parameter is used to determine the direction in which the shadow is pointing.~
-- ''size'': The `size` parameter is used to determines the size of the shadow map that will be generated.~
-- ''depth'': The `depth` parameter is used to determines how far the shadow projection extends in the scene.~

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