* Class: Gfx3Mover

Is a 3D path that can move a transformable target along a series of points.~
** Constructors
- ''new Gfx3Mover''(): Gfx3Mover~
** Methods
- ''draw''(): void~
The draw function.~
- ''loadFromData''(data: any): void~
Load mover data from a data object.~
-- ''data'': The data object.~
- ''loadFromFile''(path: string): Promise~
Load asynchronously mover data from a json file.~
-- ''path'': The file path.~
- ''play''(): void~
Start moving the transformable target along the path.~
- ''setTarget''(target: Gfx3Transformable): void~
Set the target.~
-- ''target'': The target.~
- ''update''(ts: number): void~
The update function.~
-- ''ts'': The timestep.~

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