* Class: Gfx3Particles

The `Gfx3Particles` class is a subclass of `Gfx2Drawable` that responsible for updating and
rendering a particle system in 3D space with various properties such as position,
velocity, size, opacity, acceleration, color, angle, and age.
- inherit from: Gfx3Drawable~
** Constructors
- ''new Gfx3Particles''(options: Partial): Gfx3Particles~
The constructor.~
-- ''options'': An object containing various options for configuring the behavior of the particles cloud.~
** Methods
- ''beginVertices''(vertexCount: number): void~
The "beginVertices" function prepare your vertex buffer to write process.
Warning: You need to call this method before define your vertices.~
-- ''vertexCount'': The parameter `vertexCount` represents the number of vertices that
will be stored in the vertex buffer.~
- ''createParticle''(): Particle~
The "createParticle" function creates a particle with various properties such as position, velocity, size, opacity,
acceleration, color, angle, and age.~
- ''defineVertex''(v: number[]): void~
The "defineVertex" function takes in an array of numbers representing a vertex.~
-- ''v'': An array of numbers representing the attributes of vertex.~
- ''delete''(): void~
The "delete" function free all resources.
Warning: you need to call this method to free allocation for this object.~
- ''draw''(): void~
The "draw" function.~
- ''endVertices''(): void~
The "endVertices" function writes vertex data to the vertex buffer and calculates the bounding box
based on the vertices.~
- ''getBoundingBox''(): Gfx3BoundingBox~
The "getBoundingBox" function returns the bounding box.~
- ''getGroup02''(): Gfx3StaticGroup~
The "getGroup02" function returns the static group index 2.~
- ''getLocalAxies''()~
The "getLocalAxies" function returns an array of three vectors representing the local axes of an
object based on its transformation matrix.~
- ''getPosition''(): vec3~
The "getPosition" function returns the position.~
- ''getPositionX''(): number~
The "getPositionX" function returns the x-coordinate of the position.~
- ''getPositionY''(): number~
The "getPositionY" function returns the y-coordinate of the position.~
- ''getPositionZ''(): number~
The "getPositionZ" function returns the z-coordinate of the position.~
- ''getRotation''(): vec3~
The "getRotation" function returns the rotation as Euler angles.~
- ''getRotationQuaternion''(): vec4~
The "getRotationQuaternion" function returns the Quaternion based on the Euler angles provided.~
- ''getRotationX''(): number~
The "getRotationX" function returns the rotation angle on x-axis.~
- ''getRotationY''(): number~
The "getRotationY" function returns the rotation angle on y-axis.~
- ''getRotationZ''(): number~
The "getRotationZ" function returns the rotation angle on z-axis.~
- ''getScale''(): vec3~
The "getScale" function returns the scale as a 3D vector.~
- ''getScaleX''(): number~
The "getScaleX" function returns the scale factor on x-axis.~
- ''getScaleY''(): number~
The "getScaleY" function returns the scale factor on y-axis.~
- ''getScaleZ''(): number~
The "getScaleZ" function returns the scale factor on z-axis.~
- ''getTexture''()~
The "getTexture" function returns the particle texture.~
- ''getTransformMatrix''(): mat4~
The "getTransformMatrix" function returns the transform matrix from position, rotation and scale values.~
- ''getVertexCount''(): number~
The "getVertexCount" function returns the number of vertices.~
- ''getVertexSubBufferOffset''(): number~
The "getVertexSubBufferOffset" function returns the offset of the vertex sub-buffer.
Nota bene: All vertices are stored in one global vertex buffer handled by "Gfx3Manager".
SubBuffer is just a reference offset/size pointing to the big one buffer.~
- ''getVertexSubBufferSize''(): number~
The "getVertexSubBufferSize" function returns the byte length of the vertex sub buffer.
Nota bene: All vertices are stored in one global vertex buffer handled by "Gfx3Manager".
SubBuffer is just a reference offset/size pointing to the big one buffer.~
- ''getVertices''()~
The "getVertices" function returns an array of numbers representing vertices.~
- ''getWorldBoundingBox''(): Gfx3BoundingBox~
The "getWorldBoundingBox" function returns the world bounding box by transforming its
local bounding box using its transform matrix.~
- ''rotate''(x: number, y: number, z: number): void~
The "rotate" function add rotation values to Euler angles.~
-- ''x'': The rotation angle on x-axis in radians.~
-- ''y'': The rotation angle on y-axis in radians.~
-- ''z'': The rotation angle on z-axis in radians.~
- ''setPosition''(x: number, y: number, z: number): void~
The "setPosition" function set the position with the given x, y and z coordinates.~
-- ''x'': The X coordinate of the position.~
-- ''y'': The Y coordinate of the position.~
-- ''z'': The Z coordinate of the position.~
- ''setRotation''(x: number, y: number, z: number): void~
The "setRotation" function sets rotation Euler angles (in radians).~
-- ''x'': The rotation angle on x-axis in radians.~
-- ''y'': The rotation angle on y-axis in radians.~
-- ''z'': The rotation angle on z-axis in radians.~
- ''setRotationQuaternion''(quaternion: vec4): void~
The "setRotationQuaternion" function sets the rotation using Quaternion.~
-- ''quaternion'': The quaternion.~
- ''setScale''(x: number, y: number, z: number): void~
The "setScale" function sets the scale with the given x, y and z factors.~
-- ''x'': The x factor in the x-axis direction.~
-- ''y'': The y factor in the y-axis direction.~
-- ''z'': The z factor in the z-axis direction.~
- ''setTexture''(texture: Gfx3Texture): void~
The "setTexture" function sets the particle texture.~
-- ''texture'': The texture.~
- ''setVertices''(vertices: number[]): void~
The "setVertices" function sets the vertices in one pass.~
-- ''vertices'': An array of numbers representing the vertices of a shape.~
- ''translate''(x: number, y: number, z: number): void~
The "translate" function translate the position.~
-- ''x'': The amount of translation in the x-axis direction.~
-- ''y'': The amount of translation in the y-axis direction.~
-- ''z'': The amount of translation in the z-axis direction.~
- ''update''(ts: number): void~
The "update" function.~
-- ''ts'': The `ts` parameter stands for "timestep".~
- ''updateGeometry''(ts: number): void~
The "updateGeometry" function.~
-- ''ts'': The `ts` parameter stands for "timestep".~
- ''updateLifeCycle''(ts: number): void~
The "updateLifeCycle" function.~
-- ''ts'': The `ts` parameter stands for "timestep".~
- ''zoom''(x: number, y: number, z: number): void~
The "zoom" function add scale values.~
-- ''x'': The x factor in the x-axis direction.~
-- ''y'': The y factor in the y-axis direction.~
-- ''z'': The z factor in the z-axis direction.~

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