* Class: Gfx3TextureManager

The `Gfx3TextureManager` class is a singleton responsible for managing, loading, caching, and deleting
textures represented as `Gfx3Texture` objects.
** Constructors
- ''new Gfx3TextureManager''(): Gfx3TextureManager~
The constructor.~
** Methods
- ''deleteTexture''(path: string): void~
The "deleteTexture" function deletes a texture if it exists, otherwise it throws an error.~
-- ''path'': The path to the texture file.~
- ''getTexture''(path: string): Gfx3Texture~
The "getTexture" function returns an `ImageBitmap` object for a given texture path, or throws an
error if the texture doesn't exist.~
-- ''path'': The path to the texture file.~
- ''hasTexture''(path: string): boolean~
The "hasTexture" function checks if a texture exists in the manager.~
-- ''path'': The path of the texture file.~
- ''loadCubemapTexture''(path: string, extension: string): Promise~
The "loadCubemapTexture" function asynchronously loads an cubemap image from a given path and returns it as an
`Gfx3Texture`, caching it for future use.
These objects represent the six faces of a cube map texture. Each face should have the same
-- ''path'': The file path or URL of the cubemap image that you want to load as a texture.~
-- ''extension''~
- ''loadTexture''(path: string, samplerDescriptor: GPUSamplerDescriptor): Promise~
The "loadTexture" function asynchronously loads an image from a given path and returns it as an
`Gfx3Texture`, caching it for future use.~
-- ''path'': The file path or URL of the image that you want to load as a texture.~
-- ''samplerDescriptor'': The sampler texture configuration, see https://www.w3.org/TR/webgpu/#GPUSamplerDescriptor.~
- ''loadTexture8bit''(path: string, samplerDescriptor: GPUSamplerDescriptor): Promise~
The "loadTexture8bit" function asynchronously loads an image from a given path and returns it as an
8bits `Gfx3Texture`, caching it for future use.~
-- ''path'': The file path or URL of the image that you want to load as a texture.~
-- ''samplerDescriptor'': The sampler texture configuration, see https://www.w3.org/TR/webgpu/#GPUSamplerDescriptor.~
- ''releaseTextures''(): void~
The "releaseTextures" function deletes all the textures stored in the manager.~

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