* Class: InputManager

The `InputManager` class is a singleton responsible for managing input from various sources such as keyboard and
gamepad, registering actions, and emitting events based on user input.
** Constructors
- ''new InputManager''(): InputManager~
The constructor.~
** Methods
- ''addPad''(pad: Pad): void~
The "addPad" function adds a pad to the manager.
It update the pads' status every 50ms.~
-- ''pad'': The new pad.~
- ''findActionIds''(inputSource: string, eventKey: string)~
The "findActionIds" function takes an input source and an event key, and returns an array of action
IDs that match the given input source and event key.~
-- ''inputSource'': The `inputSource` parameter is a string that represents the source of
the input. It could be a device, such as a keyboard or mouse, or any other input source.~
-- ''eventKey'': The `eventKey` parameter is a string that represents the key of the
event. It is used to filter the actions based on the event key.~
- ''getPad''(index: number)~
The "getPad" function returns the specified Pad.~
-- ''index'': The `index` parameter is a number that represents the index of the pad we
want to retrieve.~
- ''handleGamePadConnected''(e: GamepadEvent): void~
The "handleGamePadConnected" function.
It adds a gamepad to the system when it is connected.~
-- ''e'': GamepadEvent - The event object that is triggered when a gamepad is
- ''handleGamePadDisconnected''(e: GamepadEvent): void~
The "handleGamePadDisconnected" function.
It removes a gamepad from the system when it is disconnected.~
-- ''e'': GamepadEvent - This is an event object that contains information about the
gamepad that was disconnected.~
- ''handleKeyDown''(e: KeyboardEvent): boolean~
The "handleKeyDown" function.
It handles keydown events by emitting action events and updating the keymap and actionmap.~
-- ''e'': The parameter "e" is of type KeyboardEvent, which represents a keyboard
event that occurs when a key is pressed or released.~
- ''handleKeyUp''(e: KeyboardEvent): void~
The "handleKeyUp" function.
It handles key up events by emitting an action released event and updating the keymap and
-- ''e'': KeyboardEvent - The event object that contains information about the
keyboard event that occurred.~
- ''isActiveAction''(actionId: string)~
The "isActiveAction" function checks if an action is currently active.~
-- ''actionId'': A string representing the ID of the action.~
- ''registerAction''(inputSource: string, eventKey: string, actionId: string): void~
The "registerAction" function registers an action with a unique ID, input source, and event key, and
adds it to the action register if it doesn't already exist.~
-- ''inputSource'': The input source refers to the device or method from which the input
is received. It could be a keyboard, mouse, gamepad, or any other input device.~
-- ''eventKey'': The `eventKey` parameter represents the key or button that triggers the
action. It could be a keyboard key, a mouse button, or a gamepad button.~
-- ''actionId'': The `actionId` parameter is a string that represents the unique
identifier for the action being registered.~
- ''removePad''(id: string): void~
The "removePad" function removes a pad from the manager.~
-- ''id'': The `id` parameter is a string that represents the unique identifier of the pad
that needs to be removed.~
- ''unregisterAction''(inputSource: string, eventKey: string, actionId: string): void~
The "unregisterAction" function removes an action for the specific input source and event key.~
-- ''inputSource'': The input source refers to the device or method from which the input
is received. It could be a keyboard, mouse, touch screen, or any other input device.~
-- ''eventKey'': The eventKey parameter is a string that represents the key or event that
triggers the action. It could be a keyboard key, a mouse button, or any other input event.~
-- ''actionId'': The `actionId` parameter is a string that represents the unique
identifier of the action that needs to be unregistered.~

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