[[WarmeY2K - Wiki]]

* Table of file formats [#xfcc3915]
| Type            | JSON | Binary |
| --------------- | ---- | ------ |
| Animated mesh   | JAM  | BAM    |
| Static mesh     | JSM  | BSM    |
| Lines           | JLM  | BLM    |
| Point light     | JPL  |        |
| Trigger         | JTR  |        |
| Shadow volume   | JSV  | BSV    |
| Walkmesh        | JWM  | BWM    |
| Navmesh         | JNM  | BNM    |
| Animated sprite | JAS  |        |
| Static sprite   | JSS  |        |
| Tilemap         | JTM  |        |
| Script          | JSC  |        |

* Table of mesh ids [#xfcc3915]
| Usage        | r  | g  | b  | a  |
| ------------ | -- | -- | -- | -- |
| Identifier   | n  |    |    |    |
| Decals group |    | n  |    |    |
| Light group  |    |    | n  |    |
| Pixelation   |    |    |    | 1  |
| Color limit  |    |    |    | 2  |
| Dithering    |    |    |    | 4  |
| Outline      |    |    |    | 8  |
| Shadow vol   |    |    |    | 16 |

* Shader extension [#xfcc3915]
| Name          | Description                                 |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------- |
| MESH_VERT_EXT | Append a string to the mesh vertex shader   |
| MESH_FRAG_EXT | Append a string to the mesh fragment shader |

* Shader vertex variables [#aff0abca]
| Vert Variables | Scope   | Type           | Description                                   |
| -------------  | ------- | -------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
| LVP_MATRIX     | Uniform | mat4x4         | Light view projection (shadow-map)            |
| MESH_INFOS     | Uniform | MeshInfos      | Contains matrices and mesh identifier         |
| MAT_PARAMS     | Uniform | MaterialParams | List of float material parameters             |
| MAT_PARAMS     | Uniform | MaterialParams | List of float material parameters             |
| MAT_PARAMS     | Uniform | MaterialParams | List of float material parameters             |
| out            | var     | VertexOutput   | The vertex shader output                      |
| posFromLight   | var     | vec4           | Vertex position from light source (shadow-map |

* Fragment shader variables [#j60e0591]
| Frag Variables           | Scope   | Type           | Description                                   |
| ------------------------ | ------- | -------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
| MESH_INFOS               | Uniform | MeshInfos      | Contains matrices and mesh identifier         |
| CAMERA_POS               | Uniform | vec3           | Camera position                               |
| DIR_LIGHT                | Uniform | DirLight       | Directionnal light informations               |
| FOG                      | Uniform | Fog            | Fog informations                              |
| POINT_LIGHT_COUNT        | Uniform | int            | Number of point lights                        |
| POINT_LIGHTS             | Uniform | PointLight[]   | Point light list                              |
| DECAL_COUNT              | Uniform | int            | Number of decals                              |
| DECALS                   | Uniform | Decal[]        | Decal list                                    |
| DECAL_ATLAS_TEXTURE      | Uniform | Texture        | Decals texture                                |
| DECAL_ATLAS_TEXTURE      | Uniform | Texture        | Decals texture                                |
| SHADOW_MAP_TEXTURE       | Uniform | Texture        | Shadow map texture                            |
| MAT_COLORS               | Uniform | MaterialColors | Material colors (ambiant, diffuse, etc...)    |
| MAT_PARAMS               | Uniform | MaterialParams | Material parameters for some settings         |
| MAT_UVS                  | Uniform | MaterialUvs    | Material uv scrolling                         |
| MAT_TOON_LIGHT_DIR       | Uniform | vec3           | Material toon light direction                 |
| MAT_TEXTURE              | Uniform | Texture        | Color texture                                 |
| MAT_DISPLACEMENT_TEXTURE | Uniform | Texture        | Displace the color texture                    |
| MAT_DIFFUSE_TEXTURE      | Uniform | Texture        | Diffuse color texture                         |
| MAT_DIFFUSE_TEXTURE      | Uniform | Texture        | Diffuse color texture                         |
| MAT_SPECULAR_TEXTURE     | Uniform | Texture        | Specular texture (color and specularity)      |
| MAT_EMISSIVE_TEXTURE     | Uniform | Texture        | Emissive color texture                        |
| MAT_NORM_TEXTURE         | Uniform | Texture        | Normal map texture                            |
| MAT_ENV_MAP_TEXTURE      | Uniform | Texture        | Env map texture                               |
| MAT_TOON_TEXTURE         | Uniform | Texture        | Toon details texture                          |
| MAT_TOON_TEXTURE         | Uniform | Texture        | Toon details texture                          |
| outputColor              | var     | vec4           | The fragment shader output color              |
| normal                   | var     | vec3           | The normalized normal                         |
| texel                    | var     | vec4           | The current texture pixel - after decals      |
| textureUV                | var     | vec2           | The current texture uv - after scrolling      |
| shadow                   | var     | float          | The shadow factor                             |

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