* Shader customization [#xfcc3915]
The post-process effects shader is customizable with four global variables (window object).
| ''Variables''       | ''Description''                           |
| ------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
| __POST_SLOT_NAMES__ | The custom slot names scene scoped        |
| __POST_VERT_BEGIN__ | Insert code at begin of vertex shader     |
| __POST_FRAG_BEGIN__ | Insert code at begin of fragment shader   |
| __POST_VERT_END__   | Insert code at end of vertex shader.      |
| __POST_FRAG_END__   | Insert code at end of fragment shader.    |
| ''Variables''       | ''Description''                           | ''Type''      |
| ------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ------------- |
| __POST_SLOT_NAMES__ | The custom slot names scene scoped        | Array<string> |
| __POST_VERT_BEGIN__ | Insert code at begin of vertex shader     | string        |
| __POST_FRAG_BEGIN__ | Insert code at begin of fragment shader   | string        |
| __POST_VERT_END__   | Insert code at end of vertex shader.      | string        |
| __POST_FRAG_END__   | Insert code at end of fragment shader.    | string        |

Create a ''shader.ts'' file at the same level of your ''main.ts''.~
Set variables of your choices and import the script in ''index.html'' on top of ''main.ts''.~
By this way all these variables are set before the engine start and by extension before the shader program compilation start.

* Table fragment vars [#j60e0591]
| ''Variables''            | ''Scope'' | ''Type''           | ''Description''                         | ''BEGIN''    | ''END''      |
| ------------------------ | ------- | -------------- | --------------------------------------------- | ------------- | -------------- |
| fragUV                   | Var     | vec2           | The pixel position.                           |BGCOLOR(green):|BGCOLOR(green):|
| outputColor              | Var     | vec4           | Output color                                  |BGCOLOR(green):|BGCOLOR(green):|
| id                       | Var     | vec4           | The pixel id coming from id buffer            |BGCOLOR(red):|BGCOLOR(green):|
| flags                    | Var     | integer        | The pixel id bitmask (a)                      |BGCOLOR(red):|BGCOLOR(green):|
| normal                   | Var     | vec3           | The pixel normal coming from normal buffer    |BGCOLOR(red):|BGCOLOR(green):|
| depth                    | Var     | float          | The pixel depth                               |BGCOLOR(red):|BGCOLOR(green):|
| shadowFactor             | Var     | float          | The pixel shadow factor (shadow-volume)       |BGCOLOR(red):|BGCOLOR(green):|
| shadowDepthCW            | Var     | float          | The pixel depth clock-wise                    |BGCOLOR(red):|BGCOLOR(green):|
| shadowDepthCCW           | Var     | float          | The pixel depth counter clock-wise            |BGCOLOR(red):|BGCOLOR(green):|
| s0                       | Var     | float          | Texel from free texture 0                     |BGCOLOR(red):|BGCOLOR(green):|
| s1                       | Var     | float          | Texel from free texture 1                     |BGCOLOR(red):|BGCOLOR(green):|
| -------------  | ------- | -------------- | --------------------------------------------- | ------------- | -------------- |
| PARAMS                   | Uniform | Params         | Global parameters                             |BGCOLOR(green):|BGCOLOR(green):|
| INFOS                    | Uniform | Infos          | Various infos (screen resolution, time ...)   |BGCOLOR(green):|BGCOLOR(green):|
| SOURCE_TEXTURE           | Uniform | Texture        | Colored source texture (with lit)             |BGCOLOR(green):|BGCOLOR(green):|
| NORMALS_TEXTURE          | Uniform | Texture        | Normals source texture                        |BGCOLOR(green):|BGCOLOR(green):|
| IDS_TEXTURE              | Uniform | Texture        | Drawable Indexes source texture               |BGCOLOR(green):|BGCOLOR(green):|
| DEPTH_TEXTURE            | Uniform | Texture        | Depth source texture                          |BGCOLOR(green):|BGCOLOR(green):|
| SHADOW_FACTOR_TEXTURE    | Uniform | Texture        | Shadow-volume texture                         |BGCOLOR(green):|BGCOLOR(green):|
| SHADOW_DEPTH_CCW_TEXTURE | Uniform | Texture        | Shadow-volume ccw depth texture               |BGCOLOR(green):|BGCOLOR(green):|
| SHADOW_DEPTH_CW_TEXTURE  | Uniform | Texture        | Shadow-volume cw depth texture                |BGCOLOR(green):|BGCOLOR(green):|
| S0_TEXTURE               | Uniform | Texture        | Free texture 0                                |BGCOLOR(green):|BGCOLOR(green):|
| S1_TEXTURE               | Uniform | Texture        | Free texture 1                                |BGCOLOR(green):|BGCOLOR(green):|

* What about new uniforms ? [#xfcc3915]
For numeric there is:
- 16 built-in floats available in ''PARAMS'' from ''S00'' to ''S15'' you can set by '''Gfx3PPERenderer.setCustomParam'''.

About texture there is:
- 2 built-in texture available in ''S0_TEXTURE'' and ''S1_TEXTURE'' you can set by '''Gfx3PPERenderer.setCustomTextures'''.

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