* OnEnter [#xfcc3915]
A lifecycle hook that is called after the screen has been pushed in the ''screen manager''.~
Define an async method to load all big resources loading like music, texture, mesh etc...

 async onEnter() {
  this.mesh = new Gfx3MeshJSM();
  await mesh.loadFromFile('./cube.jsm');
  this.mesh.setMaterial(new Gfx3Material({
   texture: await gfx3TextureManager.loadTexture('./cube.png')

* Update [#xfcc3915]
A lifecycle hook that is called every frame.~
Define a method to handle all real-time logic behaviors.
 update(ts) {

* Draw [#xfcc3915]
A lifecycle hook that is called every frame.~
Define a method to handle all your draw calls.
 draw() {
  gfx3DebugRenderer.drawGrid(UT.MAT4_ROTATE_X(Math.PI * 0.5), 20, 1);

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