* Class: ScriptMachine

The `ScriptMachine` is a class that represents a script machine for executing script blocks and commands.
It let you create your game scene scripting with methods to execute a sequences of asynchronous commands and
handle derivation story with block jumping.
** Constructors
- ''new ScriptMachine''(): ScriptMachine~
The constructor.~
** Methods
- ''clearCommandRegister''(): void~
The "clearCommandRegister" function flush the command register.~
- ''isEnabled''(): boolean~
The "isEnabled" function returns the enabled property.~
- ''jump''(blockId: string): void~
The "jump" function sets the script machine on the specified commands block.~
-- ''blockId'': The `blockId` parameter is a string that represents the ID of a block.~
- ''loadFromFile''(path: string): Promise~
The "loadFromFile" function asynchronously loads script data from a json file (jsc).~
-- ''path'': The `path` parameter is the file path.~
- ''registerCommand''(key: string, commandFunc: Function): void~
The "registerCommand" function registers a command with a unique key and associates it with a
-- ''key'': The `key` parameter is a string that represents the unique identifier for the
command. It is used to register and retrieve the command function from the command register.~
-- ''commandFunc'': The `commandFunc` parameter is a function that represents the
command to be registered. It can be any valid JavaScript function that will be executed when the
registered command is called.~
- ''runCommand''(key: string, args: any[])~
The "runCommand" function executes a registered command with the given key and arguments, and
returns the result.~
-- ''key'': A string representing the key of the command to be executed.~
-- ''args'': An array of arguments that will be passed to the command function and coming from
the script file.~
- ''setEnabled''(enabled: boolean): void~
The "setEnabled" function sets the enabled property indicating whether the script machine is enabled or
-- ''enabled'': A boolean value indicating whether the script machine is enabled or
- ''update''(ts: number): void~
The "update" function.~
-- ''ts'': The `ts` parameter stands for "timestep".~

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