''[Manual Update Information]:''

All information has not been updated to the latest. We will update the information and contents of this page as needed.

- ''[Mar. 21, 2024]'' With the release of Ver. 1.3, PPE for PSX has been added.
- ''[Mar. 21, 2024]'' With the release of Ver. 1.3, Post-processing effects has been added.
- ''[Mar. 21, 2024]'' With the release of Ver. 1.3, Camera WASD has been added.
- ''[Mar. 21, 2024]'' With the release of Ver. 1.3, Camera orbit has been added.
* About WARME Engine Wiki [#qb249ac2]

''WARME Engine'' is the first fully packed ''2D/3D'' game engine dedicated to ''de-make games'' on the web !~
Some words about our philosophy:~

- ''Simplicity'': We used only simple and efficient methods coming from the industrie for nearly two decades.
- ''Flexibility'': Create your own renderers. Handle rendering and update loops.
- ''Modularity'': We used modular architecture to keep things simple and separate.
- ''Modernity'': We used the WebGPU rendering API.

You can check the documentation on this wiki.~
For a more concret overview on it, you can play examples [[here:https://jay19240.github.io/]] and check the demo source code [[here:https://github.com/jay19240/WARME/tree/main/src/samples]].

* General Features [#u10cb231]
- 🧱 ''Core''
-- Math
-- Tweens
-- Events manager
- 👾 ''2D''
-- Static sprite
-- Animated sprite
-- Isometric tilemap
-- Orthographic tilemap (with animations)
-- Particles system
- 🧊 ''3D''
-- Debug mesh
-- Static mesh (jsm, obj)
-- Animated mesh (jam)
-- Static sprite
-- Animated sprite
-- Billboarding
-- Cubemap Skybox
-- Mover
-- Particules system
-- Flares
-- Fog
-- Vertex colorization
-- Decals
-- Shadow map
-- Extendable pipeline
- 📐 ''3D Physics''
-- Walkmesh
-- Navigation mesh
-- Ray testing
- 💥 ''3D Material''
-- Phong reflection model
-- Displacement texture mapping
-- Normal mapping
-- Env mapping
-- Specularity mapping
-- Texture scrolling
-- Animated UV
- 🌞 ''3D Light''
-- Directional light
-- Point lights (max: 16)
- 🎮 ''Input''
-- Action mapping
-- Gamepad & keyboard support
- 🧠 ''AI''
-- A* for 2D/3D with graph and grid
-- Min-max with alpha-beta pruning
-- Behavior tree
- 📺 ''Screen''
-- Navigate between different view of your game
-- Resources pre-loading
- 📜 ''Scripts''
-- Register async command function and call-it from script file
-- Manual jump to part of script
-- Some basics commands
- 🔊 ''Sound''
-- Handle sounds by groups
-- Play multiple sounds at same time
- 🎨 ''UI''
-- Component architecture to keep project clean and scalable
-- Handle focus/unfocus between components
-- Fade in/out
-- Some basics built-in components
- 🌆 ''DNA''
-- ECS architecture implementation (optionnal)

* Some parts taken for this work [#xfcc3915]
- Use DOM for UI elements
- Use CanvasRenderingContext2D for 2D stuffs
- Use human readable custom format for all graphics stuff
- No glTF support, we don't want to support the rendering techniques used by this format (BSDF, Skinning, etc...)
- No realistic physics engine, we assume if you need one there is many pretty lib for that like ammo.js, plank.js or canon.js

* Licence [#ze608d7e]
WARME Engine is released under the MIT license.

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